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What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag: Mama + Baby

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Packing your hospital bag can be overwhelming, especially if you are a first-time mom and have no idea what to pack. As this is my third time, I will share things that came with me the second time and coming with me again the third time.

Although I’m here to help out, my best advice is to pack whatever makes YOU feel comfortable and prepared. So have fun, don’t stress, and decide what works for you! It’s ok if you overpack. It’s better to overpack and feel ready rather than getting to the hospital and wishing you had something you set back.


Let’s start with what to pack for mama. I am packing in preparation for a vaginal delivery. This will look different depending on how many days you plan to be in the hospital and whether or not you are having a c-section. Obviously, I know things can change during labor; this is just the current plan for me and what I’ve always done, so let’s dive in!

L&D Checklist:

  • Laptop

    • You never know how long you will be in labor. Having your laptop allows you to watch Netflix or your favorite shows while waiting for the baby to arrive. My husband and I also used our laptops to watch shows after the baby arrived.

  • AirPods/Speaker

  • Water Bottle

    • Most, if not all, hospitals will provide you with a big water jug. I personally like to bring my own because it keeps my water nice and cold, and my ice doesn’t melt.

    NOTE: Two Things I am not bringing but I know are very popular items to bring

    • Cute laboring robe (I did bring this my first and second time, I am using the hospital robe for my 3rd time)

    • Birth Plan

  • Long charging cord

  • Camera & Film

    • This is something I wish I would have had the first two times, so I made sure to grab it this time. I’m bringing my polaroid camera with film to take photos of the baby and add them to the baby book while we are there.

After Delivery Checklist:

  • 2 pairs of cozy, non-slip socks

  • 1 pair of button-down/nursing friendly soft pajamas

  • 1 cardigan or nursing friendly sweater/jacket

  • 1 comfortable going home outfit

  • 1 pair of cozy shorts

  • 1 lounge shirt

  • Robe

  • Slippers

  • Breast pads

  • 2 nursing bras

  • 2 nursing tanks

  • 2 pairs of post-partum underwear

  • Depends

    • NOTE: Hospitals WILL provide you with mesh underwear. I personally felt they weren’t very comfortable. I prefer depends and on the last day, I wear my postpartum underwear. I also like my underwear to be a little tighter after having the baby so that the ice packs and pads are snug and secure, and I’m not constantly pulling my underwear up.

  • Haakaa or handheld pump

  • Nipple Shields

    • NOTE: Sometimes, your baby may need to use a nipple shield to help them nurse. I like to bring my own just in case. Most hospitals will provide you with one if needed, but they will charge you for them (maybe they won’t, but the hospital I go to does)

  • BelleFit PP Girdle

    • NOTE: I didn’t have this for my first, and I wish I had. I wore it as soon as I delivered for my second, and that was too early. Nurses will be checking you; you will be changing your underwear and pads often. This time around, I won’t be putting mine on until I go home, but I plan to put it on as soon as we are told we are ready for discharge. Its pricey but SO worth it, I promise!

  • Toiletries

    • Toothbrush

    • Toothpaste

    • Razor

      (I know this sounds crazy, but I like to shave under my arms every day because my hair grows fast. You are probably not going to be shaving your legs at the hospital, so leave this behind if you don’t need it)

    • Frida mom perineal cooling pad liners

    • Hair ties/Clips

    • Non-scented lotion

      Be sure to use non-scented. You don’t want to irritate your baby’s sensitive skin

    • Deodorant

    • Shampoo/Conditioner or Dry shampoo

    • Make-up eraser and face cleanser

    • Q-tips

    • Luffa

    • Make-up

      This is certainly not necessary. I bring the bare minimum, a BB cream with a little bit of bronzer, blush, and mascara. For me, I like to feel a little bit normal after coming home.


Now, let’s talk about baby! The baby is not going to need as much as mommy will. I am keeping my baby bag very simple. I will say that many people like to bring their diapers, wipes, creams, etc. I am not doing that this time around. We will only be in the hospital for 24 hours (if all goes well), so I plan to use what the hospital has until I get home. This is because I have delivered at this hospital twice before, and I like the products they offer. If you want to check and see what your hospital provides, you can call the L&D department and ask them those kinds of questions!

Baby Checklist:

  • 2 sleepers

  • 1 first outfit

  • 1 going home outfit

  • 1 birth announcement outfit/swaddle hat combo

  • Hats/Bows/Socks/Mittins etc.

  • 2 swaddeles

  • 1 soft blanket

  • Pacifier

  • Boppy pillow & Cover

  • Nursing cover

    • I like to bring a nursing cover for when guests come to the hospital, and to go over the car seat when we leave.

  • Birth announcement sign

  • Baby book

    • My baby books have always had a spot to put their tiny little hand/footprint. I always bring it with me to get added to the baby book the day they are born.

Additional Must-Haves

A couple of things I will be grabbing out the door is my pillow and throw blanket. The hospital will provide these things, but they are so uncomfortable. This is a must for me, but not for everyone.

Another thing I didn’t have for my first and second child but made sure to get this time, is a nice rolling suitcase. I have always brought a duffel bag, and I wish I would have had something I could roll out. Having a suitcase, you can roll and not have to hold going to be a game-changer.

I’m also bringing a toiletries bag that can be hung up in the bathroom. This will keep everything organized together and more accessible to access when needed.


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